AuthaGraph Map: The World's Best Map? - Brilliant Maps
Sep 26, 2024 · This rectangular world map called AuthaGraph World Map is made by dividing a spherical surface into 96 triangles. And then transferring it to a tetrahedron while keeping the area’s proportions. Finally unfolding it to a rectangle. The world map can be tiled in any directions without visible seams.
Gall–Peters projection - Wikipedia
The Gall–Peters projection is a rectangular, equal-area map projection. Like all equal-area projections, it distorts most shapes. It is a cylindrical equal-area projection with latitudes 45° north and south as the regions on the map that have no distortion. The projection is named after James Gall and Arno Peters.
AuthaGraph オーサグラフ 世界地図
This rectangular world map called AuthaGraph World Map is made by dividing a spherical surface into 96 triangles. And then transferring it to a tetrahedron while keeping the area's proportions. Finally unfolding it to a rectangle. The world map can …
Size does matter: Authagraph World Map turns the Earth into a rectangle …
Nov 4, 2016 · Created by Hajime Narukawa of the Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance, the Authagraph map fits perfectly into a nice rectangular shape with a neat 3:4 aspect ratio thanks to...
AuthaGraph [Probably the Most Accurate World Map Ever]
Jun 15, 2017 · Despite its unusual and a bit weird look, the AuthaGraph World Map may be the most accurate world map ever. It is created by the Japan artist and architect Hajime Narukawa, and won the Good Design Grand award in 2016 .
World Map - Platte Carre/Geographic/Rectangular Projection
Platte Carre World / Geographic / Equirectangular Projection. Perfect for large color illustrations in print or web design. This map is also included in our Premier International collection, including maps of the World in several projections, each of the seven continents, and sub-continent areas.
Rectangular Projection World Map - with Countries and Major …
Digital World map in Adobe Illustrator vector format. Platte Carre / Geographic / Rectangular Projection. Royalty free maps available for download 24/7 from Map Resources.
Rectangular World Map with Country Names and Borders
Mar 1, 2025 · Royalty free, digital Rectangular World Map with Country Names and Borders in fully editable, Adobe Illustrator and PDF vector format. Instant download for use in your print, web and multimedia projects.
Rectangular color vector world map | Printable vector maps
Rectangular color vector world map free for download. Available in 7 file format. AI, PDF, SVG, EPS, CDR, WMF, JPG (300 dpi A3)
Rectangular Map - nlsa.com
The Rectangular map is familiar to most people. It shows the entire Earth "unrolled" so that it is visible at a glance. Nova's Rectangular map is based on a modified Miller projection that shows the major continents with relatively little distortion; the north and south poles cannot be shown adequately on any rectangular map.