Home - Korea Peace Now!
Korea Peace Now! is a campaign calling for an official end to the Korean War. We organize individuals and organizations across the country to advocate for the U.S. to sign a peace agreement with North Korea.
Resources - Korea Peace Now!
August 20, 2020 – Important news about the Korea Peace Now campaign. July 20, 2020 – A Bipartisan Roundtable on Advancing Peace in Korea. June 25, 2020 – The significance of today’s anniversary. May 29, 2020 – Watch Gloria Steinem, Jody Williams, and Rep. Barbara Lee Discuss Peace in Korea
About Us - Korea Peace Now!
Organizing: We grow and strengthen the U.S.-based movement calling for peace in Korea by mobilizing Korean Americans, anti-war/peace activists and progressives, college students, and allied organizations and by supporting the next generation of Korea peace leaders.
Frequently Asked Questions - Korea Peace Now!
Why do we need a Korea peace treaty or agreement? Why do women need to be involved in the Korea peace process? Is North Korea serious about denuclearization? Can we trust North Korea as a negotiating partner? How can we make peace with a regime that violates human rights?
Hundreds Gathered in Washington, DC for Korea Peace Action
May 7, 2024 · From July 26 to 28, hundreds of people from across the country gathered in Washington, DC, for Korea Peace Action: National Mobilization to End the Korean War, on the 70th anniversary of the Korean armistice.
WATCH: Laying out a roadmap for peace in Korea in 2023
Mar 2, 2023 · The reintroduction of the Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act on March 1 provides an opportunity to advocate for an alternative path for Washington — to explore non-military solutions to the security crisis on the Korean Peninsula.
Korean Peninsula. Here are five reasons we need a Korea peace agreement: 1. A peace agreement would eliminate — or greatly reduce — the possibility of a long and costly U.S. military conflict. A fragile truce has defined U.S.-D.P.R.K. relations for 70 years, which means that war could break out at any time.
Take Action in the United States - Korea Peace Now!
H.R.1369, the Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act, introduced by Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), calls for serious, urgent diplomacy in pursuit of a binding peace agreement to formally end the Korean War, a review of the travel restrictions to North Korea, and establishment of liaison offices in the US and North Korea.
New Report Shows How a Peace-First Approach Can Resolve the …
Feb 2, 2021 · Rather than rely on more threats and pressure-based tactics, which have failed to deter North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, the United States should instead work toward the immediate signing of a peace agreement in order to finally …
As Tensions Escalate in Korea, Americans Demand Peace
(March 12, 2023) – As tensions run dangerously high on the Korean Peninsula, hundreds of peace advocates across the country will participate in the ninth annual Korea Peace Advocacy Week to urge their members of Congress to support a diplomatic solution to the conflict and a peace-first approach.