Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il portraits - Wikipedia
The image of Kim Il Sung underwent changes as he aged and according to political currents: early portraits from the 1960s have him in a Mao suit, while those from the 1980s depict him in a Western suit. Years after his death, he began to appear in the military uniform of Taewonsu (generalissimo).
Mansu Hill Grand Monument - Wikipedia
Following Kim Jong Il's death in 2011, a similar statue of him was erected on the north side of Kim Il Sung. At the same time, Kim Il Sung's statue was altered to portray him at a later age and smiling. Kim Il Sung's original Mao suit was also replaced with a Western-style suit.
Why is it Kim Il-Sung wore a western suit and tie while the ... - Reddit
Sep 2, 2020 · Kim Il-Sung was put in as leader by soviet russia, so he would likely be trying to mimic how their leaders looked. During Kim Jung-Il's reign he needed to strengthen ties to China, so he could've appropriated that culture.
North Korean Suit - How to blend in with North Koreans
Perhaps your tastes are more retro and you have admired President Kim Il Sung’s variation on the Mao-style suit, now also worn by current leader Marshal Kim Jong Un (those watching North Korean fashion trends will note that the young Marshal donned a Western style suit for the first time public during May’s 7th Party Congress). Or if you ...
Jacket of Great Man - Explore DPRK
Dec 4, 2021 · In Juche 73 (1984) he prepared a new single-breasted suit for the great leader President Kim Il Sung who returned home from his foreign visit. He said he would work faithfully for the people, wearing a plain jacket for the rest of his life instead of the President.
Kim Il Sung (1912-1994, ruled 1948-1994) was the world's longest serving ruler. He ruled formally from August 25, 1948 to his death on July 8, 1994. He was known to his people as "Great Leader," "the Sun of the Nation," and the "Legendary Hero."
A "Newly-Tailored" Suit - KIM IL SUNG UNIVERSITY
In the documentary films and photographs of his revolutionary activities from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s, all the people may have seen him so often, in his grey suit with a closed collar which was made of plain cloth.
What Kim Jong Un’s Mao Suit Means - Racked
May 25, 2018 · That outfit that Kim wears is called a Mao suit. Though legend has it that Sun Yat-sen, the father of modern China, created the suit in the early 1900s, Mao Zedong popularized it when he...
Way of the Suit: Kim il-Sung
Kim il-Sung was a man who I believe had great taste in dress, although he had the strange habit of matching every colour to his suit, even his shoes, however, despite this he had some very good looks.
Kim Il Sung - Wikipedia
As historian Suzy Kim summarizes, Kim Il Sung "emerged from the purge as a definitive leader, not only for the bold move but also for his compassion." [ 28 ] In 1935, Kim took the name Kim Il Sung , meaning "Kim become the sun".