Consider randomly tossing a coin onto a square grid. What is the probability that when the coin is tossed, it falls entirely in one square without crossing any grid line? Assume that the diameter of ...
In this course, the homework assignments and tests are accessed online and are based on software from Hawkes Learning Systems. Error specific feedback is provided ...
In this section you will learn to apply the laws of logarithms to simplify algebraic expressions. Your calculator will be an essential tool to evaluate logarithmic expressions. You should be able to ...
The Online Gradebook is a complete course management system that allows you to monitor your progress throughout the course. Upon completing a homework assignment or test, your results are ...
Statistics as an area of study came from two seemingly unrelated areas of thought: probability and data collection. Although they are often taught as distinct units or chapters, both areas developed ...
Bayes also contributed to the development of personal probability, which is the idea that there is no such thing as a proven scientific fact. Instead, what are commonly thought of as facts are ...
Pierre Simon de Laplace once said, The most important questions of life are, for the most part, really only problems of probability… It is remarkable that probability, which began with the ...
Nicolaus first posed a simple version of the problem and sent it to R. de P. Montmort who published it in Essay d'analyse sur le jeux de hazard (1713) as cited by ...
One of the most recent developments in statistics is the use of big data. This includes modeling, data science, and data analytics, which have been made possible by the advent and improvement of ...
Understanding of correlation and regression originated from looking at data and noticing patterns. Around the beginning of the 19th century, scientists were looking for a way to describe the ...