In the trailer for the new series, released Wednesday, Hudson’s Isla Gordon is appointed as new president of the Los Angeles Waves after her brother enters rehab, forcing her to prove herself to her ...
Kate Hudson is hitting the basketball court for Netflix‘s upcoming Mindy Kaling comedy Running Point. The series features an ...
The actress' 5-year-old daughter Rani stayed by her mom's side as she gave an update on their Pacific Palisades community, ...
Netflix has released a first look at Kate Hudson’s brand new show. The Oscar-nominated actress will be starring in Running ...
Kate Hudson is opening up about how her husband and his brother stayed behind in the destructive Palisades fire to protect their house from the blazes.
Things I Hate About You and The Office fans listen up! There's a new project coming to Netflix from Kate Hudson and Mindy ...
Netflix's plot synopsis reads as follows: "When a scandal forces her brother to resign, Isla Gordon (Kate Hudson) is ...
Romantic-comedy enthusiasts are in for a treat as Hollywood royalty Kate Hudson takes the lead in her first Netflix series, ...
The new trailer for Netflix's show "Running Point" has officially released, showing Kate Hudson as she takes over the Los Angeles Waves.