The Friday morning market activity shows CarMax shares down by 0.01%, trading at $87.58. This implies a total value of $43,674 for Tuite's 4,869 shares.
The Friday morning market activity shows Stryker shares up by 0.87%, trading at $393.83. This implies a total value of $3,070,887 for Stiles's 10,210 shares.
IES Holdings, Inc. (“IES”) (NASDAQ: IESC) announced that it has acquired Arrow Engine Company (“Arrow”), a Tulsa, ...
The cost of your electricity is the focus of a new lawsuit filed by Eversource and Avangrid – which owns United Illuminating.
The lawsuit escalated a long-running feud between PURA Chairwoman Marissa Gillett and CT utilities Eversource and United ...
Officials must confront at least one obstacle they cannot change: CT’s location within one of the nation’s most expensive ...