Money from lotteries often funds public programs. But some argue that gambling games serve as taxes on the poor.
New York Win 4, Take 5, and Numbers are drawn twice a day at 2:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. New York Lotto is drawn on Wednesday and Saturday. Check New York Win 4 payouts and previous drawings here.
The winning numbers in Friday evening’s drawing of the "Florida Fantasy 5 Evening" game were: (seven, fourteen, twenty-two, twenty-three, thirty-three) ...
The jackpot for the Mega Millions lottery drawing on Friday, Jan. 10 hit $77 million (angel numbers!). Here are the winning numbers.
A lottery player wasn’t wearing her glasses when she checked her ticket and was happy when she thought she won $20 in ...
Shari Hunt-Caldwell, 61, earned her big win by playing the Holiday scratch-off game and entering her non-winning tickets into ...