Stay 500 yards away, about the length of five football fields. This regulation applies to vessels, aircraft, drones and ...
A group of about 75 endangered North Atlantic right whales was spotted off the western edge of Jeffreys Ledge. That's about ...
If any of the whales become entangled in Maine gear, it could worsen regulations lobstermen say are already too strict.
NASSAU COUNTY, FLORIDA, Fla. — The right whale "Grand Teton" was seen with a newborn calf off Amelia Island on Thursday.
Southern right whales can live to be more than 130 years old — which is decades longer than previously thought, according to ...
In addition to mixed-use projects, Katy Slade has overseen construction of 4,000-plus multifamily units in Texas, Oklahoma, ...
Biologists from the New England Aquarium say 20 percent of all the right whales in the world are together, right now, off the ...
NOAA proposed a speed change to certain water vessels in order to aid the critically endangered right whale population.
The rule would have limited boats as small as 35 feet to 10 knots when North Atlantic right whales were migrating through ...
Over 12,000 humpback whales migrate every winter from the frigid surroundings of Alaska into the waters of Hawaii.
NOAA Fisheries is asking mariners traveling off Jeffrey's Ledge to slow down after 50 to 60 right whales were spotted there.
Proposed changes to the North Atlantic right whale vessel speed rule, which had been announced by NOAA Fisheries in July, ...