UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency works to ensure that everybody has the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge, having fled violence, persecution or war at home. Since 1950, we have faced multiple ...
NBC's Janis Mackey Frayer spoke with former members of Kim Jong Un's army who have defected to South Korea.Jan. 25, 2025 ...
Kasus bunuh diri di kalangan pelajar di Jepang yakni dari jenjang SD hingga SMA selama 2024 mencapai rekor tertinggi (Foto: AP) Advertisement . Scroll to see content TOKYO, iNews.id - Kasus bunuh diri ...
Hak dan kewajiban suami maupun istri telah dijelaskan dalam syariat Islam. Suami dan istri sama-sama memiliki tanggung jawab dalam menjalani rumah tangga. Saat ini, khususnya di Indonesia, masih ...
North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un has delivered a rare public rebuke to dozens of party officials for misconduct related to a "drinking spree", according to state media reports. During a meeting of ...
Liputan6.com, Pyongyang - Pemimpin Korea Utara Kim Jong Un bersumpah bahwa program nuklir Pyongyang akan terus berlanjut dengan "tanpa batas waktu". Ia juga menyebut bahwa 2025 merupakan tahun penting ...
SEOUL, Jan. 29 (UPI) --North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called for "indefinitely" strengthening his regime's nuclear weapons capacity, state media reported Wednesday, as Pyongyang continues to ...
Kumpulan kata-kata lucu suami istri yang menghibur sekaligus menyentuh hati. Pernikahan adalah perjalanan panjang yang penuh suka duka. Di tengah rutinitas dan tantangan hidup berumah tangga, sedikit ...
“I also wonder if the North Korean regime and Kim Jong Un’s dictatorship would still be in place.” The defectors say they hope the North Korean troops fighting in Russia will take the ...
The troops said they had witnessed North Koreans blow themselves up, with one fighter even screaming "for Kim Jong Un", before using an explosive. One commander described the strength of the teams ...
SEOUL—Kim Jong Un enjoys absolute power across North Korea and is regarded as godlike by his own people. But one threat appears to loom large for the 41-year-old dictator: disloyalty from his ...
The cameras struggled to get a steady shot as Donald Trump took his first historic steps into enemy territory with Kim Jong Un. It was 2019 and the then-45th president of the United States patted ...