The ITV series took its name from Alan Bates, a dismissed sub-postmaster from Wales who painstakingly led 555 sub-postmasters ...
The UK Home Office has given two contracts valued at almost £25mn to Fujitsu since July’s general election, despite Labour MPs criticising awards to the company at the centre of the Post Office ...
But the tax collector's bond with the same suppliers continues. Research from Tussell and The Register shows that in the last ...
High Assurance PKI for Critical Infrastructure SecureG, Fujitsu and others partner to Develop <a target=_blank href= ...
Despite half a billion pounds being paid out, the "vast majority" of those seeking redress are yet to receive their payments.
Telefónica's head of infrastructure and the head of Fujitsu's wireless business discuss the role of network transformation as ...
Fujitsu has always been at the centre of the ... redress for subpostmasters who suffered as a result of errors in its software. 2. How Fujitsu became a central part of the Post Office scandal ...
Bugs, errors and defects in the software were known 25 years ago, the Horizon maker Fujitsu said in its closing submission to ...
Cohere is trialing a new platform called North, which makes it easier for companies to deploy the hottest AI trend of the ...