Electronic devices are components for controlling the flow of electrical currents for the purpose of information processing and system control. Prominent examples include transistors and diodes.
Transport phenomena in semiconductors, theory of the p-n junction, bipolar and unipolar devices, general analysis of the metal-semiconductor and MIS structures, CCD, MOSFET and bipolar transistors.
Semiconductor optics, heterojunctions, quantum wells, superlattices and resonant tunneling. Field-effect and potential-effect devices. Hot-electron devices. Microwave devices. COURSE GOALS: The course ...
The volume of e-waste produced around the world each year is set to more than double to 110 million tonnes by 2050 Plastic in waste electronics (e-waste) is an environmental time bomb that has ...
Electronic and spintronic devices are devices that use the properties of electrons to transmit, process and store information. Electronic devices use the electrical charge of an electron to encode ...