Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, April 29-May 5 (May 7, 2019) Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, April 8-14 (Apr 16, 2019) Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, March 11-17 (Mar 19, 2019) Japan's Animation DVD ...
"Dinosaur" is the story of Aladar ... And the Academy agreed — it was the first animated movie to ever be nominated for best picture. "The set pieces are narcotically pleasing, especially ...
Doraemon: Nobita's Dinosaur is a 1980 animated film based on the popular ... (making it the first feature-length Doraemon film). The movie was released in Japan 15 March 1980.
Animated adventure. In an alternate world where dinosaurs never became extinct, an apatosaurus named Arlo makes an unlikely human friend. Show more Animated adventure set in an alternate world ...