AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday accused the BJP and Congress of joining forces against his party to dislodge it from power in Delhi. Kejriwal, who was addressing a roadshow in outer Delhi’s ...
According to sources, the entire Maha Kumbh area has been declared 'no-vehicle zone'. No vehicles will be allowed to enter ...
At a rally, Akhilesh Yadav called for unity against the BJP, urging voters to choose AAP to maintain existing welfare programmes.
Akhilesh Yadav lauded AAP's work in the fields of education and healthcare, and the schemes providing concession of electricity and water bills.
Parliament’s Budget session is likely to get off to a stormy start on Friday with opposition parties demanding a discussion on the alleged mismanagement of the Maha Kumbh festival in Prayagraj where ...
Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav campaigned for AAP in the upcoming Delhi elections. He urged voters to support Arvind Kejriwal's party to defeat BJP. Akhilesh's support highlights a strategy ...