From cloning mishaps to intergalactic chaos, Bong Joon Ho’s is once again blending biting social commentary with absurd, black humour in "Mickey 17", with Robert Pattinson switching between hapless ...
Jones handed Rockwell a script for "Moon" nine months later and it's easy to see why the actor signed up. He would go on to ...
Bong Joon-Ho is a director with no interest in subtlety. Even the premises of his films are inherently loaded. Snowpiercer is ...
Mickey 17 is the latest firecracker placed between our toes by the South Korean director/prankster/genius Bong Joon Ho. It’s ...
The film reflects our current world—one marked by a barrage of climate disasters, hatred, and a general feeling of crushing ...
Oh, and cloning has been perfected. Sound plausible? This is the foundation that “Mickey 17” stands on. Written and directed by Bong Joon-ho, the director of “Parasite” (2019), and starring Robert ...
Viewers are curious to learn about Creepers, an alien species that plays a central role in Bong Joon Ho’s new movie, Mickey ...
Robert Pattinson's Mickey 17 May Be Leading Box Office, But Trouble For Film Is Far From Over - Here's Why, Hollywood News - ...