Priyanka Chopra, Bollywood actress who tried her luck in Hollywood as well, recently hit a major milestone in her career, securing the title of the highest-paid actress in India. This big leap ...
Jonas Brothers are joined by Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. fame Chloe Bennet in their upcoming film directed by Jessica Yu, as ...
When you finish watching "You're Cordially Invited," odds are pretty good you will have one song in particular stuck in your head.
The new Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon movie, You’re Cordially Invited —which is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video ...
Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell team up for the new R-rated rom-com You're Cordially Invited -- here's where to watch it streaming now.
Chloe Bennet has been cast as Joe Jonas' love interest in the Jonas Brothers' upcoming Christmas movie for Disney+.
The holiday season may have just ended, but fans can already start getting excited for new Christmas movies coming later this ...
Are you with Reese Witherspoon or Will Ferrell? “You’re Cordially Invited,” a new comedy directed by Nicholas Stoller, brings ...
Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell are an awkward couple in the new rom-com "You're Cordially Invited." Maybe they'd have ...
Are you with Reese Witherspoon or Will Ferrell? “You're Cordially Invited,” a new comedy directed by Nicholas Stoller, brings ...
Rascal Flatts announced Tuesday that “I Dare You,” a new collaboration with the Jonas Brothers, will be released on Friday.