The Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE) saw the entire Earth inundated with rain for about two million years. IMAGINE a world where ...
This week, uncover some of the oldest ice on Earth, follow a dinosaur highway, learn how Pluto sealed the capture of its moon ...
Malaysian fossil scientist Dr Paul Rummy combs the desert of China and neighbouring parts of Central Asia looking for bones ...
Paleontologists released a new report last week showing that the earliest dinosaur ever discovered in North America is from ...
The discovery of Ahvaytum bahndooiveche, a 230-million-year-old dinosaur in Wyoming, reveals dinosaurs existed in the ...
Hundreds of footprints from two dino species were excavated at a quarry in southeast England at the site of a well-known ...
Paleontologists say the fossils could prove dinosaurs lived in the northern hemisphere millions of years earlier than ...
Evolution is often depicted as a steady forward march from simple to complex forms. But new research shows that certain ferns ...
Just a few fossil fragments of a tiny creature discovered thousands of miles north of its contemporaries have shaken our ...
A newfound "chicken-size" dinosaur, recently unearthed in Wyoming, changes what paleontologists thought they knew about how dinosaurs spread across the globe.
Researchers discovered Ahvaytum bahndooiveche fossils in Wyoming, revealing dinosaurs in Laurasia earlier than believed.