Expected Price in India. GTA 6’s standard edition is projected to retail at Rs 5,999, while premium editions could go up to Rs 7,299. Though pre-order discounts may be av ...
Learn about GTA 6's release date, platform availability, and potential crossplay features. Find out what fans can expect in ...
When I was a kid, video games cost $40. Now they're $70, and analysts are discussing a potential $100 price tag for Grand ...
GTA 6 could cost around $100 on launch as publishers want Rockstar to increase their price so that every other game can follow.
With this unprecedented hype, there is "hope" that publisher Take-Two Interactive will use it to raise the game's base price ...
A games industry analyst claims that companies are hoping for GTA VI to cost $100 to offset rising development costs and ...
The latest report about Grand Theft Auto 6 has fans worried the base game could cost $100.
“But some gamemakers hope GTA VI will be priced at $ 80 to $ 100, breaking the $ 70 and helping $ 50 titles to move up to $ 60, $ 60 to do $ 70, $ 70 to $ 80, etc.” ...
Grand Theft Auto 6 is the most anticipated game of all time, and industry experts believe Rockstar could release it at a new ...
The price of GTA 6 hasn't been confirmed yet, but an analyst has said there is "hope" in the industry it may cost $100 to ...
There is "hope" among some within the video game industry that Grand Theft Auto 6 will be priced between $80 and $100, one analyst has said.
Grand Theft Auto is known for creating controversy. How will it navigate a more progressive, politically fraught time? There ...