An influx of salt from both land and sea and a warming world are condemning the world's rivers, streams and estuaries to a ...
Hydrology experts at Flinders University are calling for urgent investigations into the operation of bore-fields that access fresh groundwater on Pacific islands, including Kiribati, where rising sea ...
Saltwater intrusion in Wailevu, Labasa is damaging cane crops, while farmers in Koronasau, Tabudola and Tiri face heavy ...
Zanzibar. Zanzibar’s marine-dependent economy is facing increasing risks due to climate change, with rising sea levels, ...
Hydrological forecasts from the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting and the Mekong River Commission suggest ...
Residents of Madampe, Puttalam are grappling with a severe water crisis caused by salt water seeping into the Thinipitiya ...
The Town of Hilton Head and Hilton Head Public Service District (PSD) broke ground on a new reverse osmosis drinking water ...