North Korea, Trump and Kim Jong Un

Kim Yo-jong issued threats after a U.S. aircraft carrier pulled up. Watch fern's "The World's Most Dangerous Woman" for her story.
North Korea's Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of leader Kim Jong Un, criticised the Trump administration for stepping up ...
On Tuesday, Kim Yo-jong, the influential sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, accused the Trump administration of “carrying forward” the Biden government’s hostile stance towards North ...
Micah McCartney is a reporter for Newsweek based in Taipei, Taiwan. He covers U.S.-China relations, East Asian and Southeast Asian security issues, and cross-strait ties between China and Taiwan.
A visit by a U.S. aircraft carrier to South Korea prompted a warning from the sister of North Korea’s leader that Washington ...
Kim Yo Jong issued a statement through North Korea's state-run media on Tuesday saying hostile US policy toward her country offers "sufficient justification" for the North to "indefinitely ...
carrying forward' the former administration's hostile policy," Kim Yo Jong said, using the official acronym for North Korea. In a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency ...