C an you really see the best of Sequoia National Park in just one day? We set out to find out. Living only four hours away, ...
That is, this tree is so big you can scarcely look at it all. It has a name, the President, bestowed about 90 years ago by admiring humans. It’s a giant sequoia, a member of Sequoiadendron ...
With 4.7 acres of canopy coverage (19,000 square meters) supported by 1,000 individual trunks this banyan is a living wonder ...
Chelsea says, 'The tree was covered in dust ... Conservators applied solvent gel to the giant sequoia to draw the old varnish out The team then applied a special solvent gel to the surface that is on ...
The tree was 3 years old when it was planted right ... The public is invited to help pay tribute to the beloved local giant sequoia.
AutoCamp, with its shiny, silver camper suites and sleek cabins, is on a growth path, with three new locations planned in ...
There was a drum circle and commemorative cards: “Sequoia Legacy Tree; 1936-2025.” Residents gather around the Legacy Tree giant sequoia during a ceremony honoring the tree before it was cut ...
Catherine Parker "Giant" seems to be an understatement for this grove of sequoia trees in the southernmost section of Yosemite. Mariposa Grove of the Giant Sequoia is one of three groves in the ...