“In keeping with my oath and duty to Constitution and country, I affirm what I believe and what three-fourths of the states ...
The president’s announcement on Friday was one of many sweeping executive moves he’s making in his final days in office.
The ERA is a 1970s-era prohibition on discrimination based on gender, guaranteeing men and women equal rights under the law.
The outgoing US president called on others to ‘affirm’ the amendment, which bars discrimination on the basis of sex.
Last Friday, former President Biden declared the Equal Rights Amendment "the law of the land" - so why has it failed to ...
In a White House statement, Biden expressed his opinion that Virginia ratifying the ERA means it is now an official amendment ...
If Biden really wanted to make the ERA the “law of the land,” he would have needed to direct the head of the National ...
One of the more questionable things departing chief exec Joe Biden did in his waning days was declaring the Equal Rights ...
Let’s ensure that the principles of the ERA are not just words on paper, but are reflected in our workplaces, schools and ...
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was correct when she said, before she passed, that the ERA deadline is expired, and this has to ...
It is unclear what, if any, legal weight the declaration carries.
The ERA’s deadline expired decades ago, but the president argues that recent approvals by three states put the amendment over ...