Among the smallest owl species in North America, the saw-whet is the size of a smartphone topped with a ping-pong ball. With ...
Find out where snowy owls live, what they eat, how to spot a snowy owl, and see pictures of what the baby owls look like.
Unlike the snowy owl, the barn owl lives at latitudes ... Not all barn owls have white underbellies, however; some have reddish-brown plumage instead. Negro said the research did not investigate ...
DESCRIPTION: One of the largest owls in North America, with a wingspan of 45 inches, the Mexican spotted owl is a shy, chestnut-brown color with white and brown spots on its abdomen, back and head.
DESCRIPTION: The northern spotted owl is a medium-sized, dark brown owl with a barred tail; white spots on its head, neck, and back; and dark brown eyes surrounded by a large, heart-shaped facial disk ...