Afterwards he said he also questions if all of the cutting was within the wetland buffer area. While most of the trees cut down were box elder, three trees were not, including one 14-inch black ...
If buffers are reduced or whole wetlands are filled, an area loses a vital sponge. Because of climate change, more precipitation is falling as rain instead of snow, meaning water immediately fills ...
Wetland areas on RIT campus offer beautiful scenery, serene walking trails, and an important habit for waterfowl and other local wildlife. The preservation and maintenance of the campus wetland areas ...
The project was initially proposed west of the wetland buffer zone, but Carey said the plans changed to be farther away from homes in the area following discussions with residents. “We were trying to ...
It uses GIS methodology to determine differences in wetland area change for a twenty-year period, and compares past and recent wetland destruction and wetland buffer zone loss using nationally ...