New research raises concerns about the safety of chemical hair relaxers. Now, many Black women want safer alternatives.
Relaxed hair can be easier to manage and style, particularly for those with naturally curly or coily textures. It requires significantly less time and effort for daily upkeep, and once styled ...
I had opted to ‘transition’ – a term used to describe choosing to grow out your relaxed hair rather ... acid to temporarily loosen curly and coily hair. It’s a treatment that has to ...
Curly hair is dryer than other hair types ... When chatting about the ways the method has been adapted and relaxed by users Lorraine said; "It's beautiful, as long as you're happy.
“I think some women have never even seen their natural hair,” Wright said. “Maybe they were relaxed at a young age, and they didn’t know what it was to take care of their natural curly hair.