Britain's stark life expectancy divide was today laid bare in an interactive map revealing how lifespan varies depending on where you live. Figures show how children born in deprived parts of ...
LIFE expectancy in England is falling faster than anywhere else in Europe - and expanding waistbands are to blame. Advances in life expectancy between 1990 and 2011 have been attributed to ...
Workers need to understand their longevity to ensure they save enough for retirement. Life expectancy calculators can help people make an educated estimate of how long they will live. People ...
People who have a good response to HIV treatment have excellent long-term prospects. You can increase your life expectancy by not smoking and having a healthy lifestyle. HIV-positive people are living ...
it paints a fascinating real-life portrait of the health of the nation. Some of the findings are predictable - but others are highly surprising. For as this map shows, it's not as simple as a ...