La Bodega by Cúrate, a Spanish restaurant in Asheville, will no longer operate as a traditional restaurant. The space will be converted into a multi-functional event venue available for private ...
O verpriced seafood and tourist trap restaurants can wreck a trip fast, but Bodega Bay does not play that game. This coastal ...
In this week’s local food news, La Bodega by Cúrate closes to make way for an events venue. Also, Metro Wines will host a free tasting and education event featuring little-known Southern ...
Next time you're sampling the tapas at La Bodega Restaurant and Tapa Bar (1277 Howe Street), be sure to pick up a free recipe card. On it you'll find clear instructions for assembling an authentic ...
Bodega La Puntual has all the hallmarks of an old ... the crowds outside the Picasso Museum and duck into this secret restaurant to experience a more bona fide, less-hectic slice of Barcelona ...
La Bodega by Cúrate, a Spanish restaurant in Asheville, will no longer operate as a traditional restaurant. The space will be converted into a multi-functional event venue available for private ...
One such decision is ending the regular operations of its sister restaurant, La Bodega. Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning. “The restaurant industry ...