Kim Jong Un mengawasi langsung peluncuran rudal terbaru buatan Korut. Rudal ini disebut sebagai bagian dari sistem ...
Korut menggelar uji coba untuk sistem rudal antipesawat terbaru buatannya. Uji coba itu dilakukan dengan diawasi langsung ...
U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday expressed his desire to reestablish the relationship that he had with North Korean ...
Korea Utara mengecam Amerika Serikat atas kunjungan kapal induk angkatan lautnya ke pelabuhan Busan, Korea Selatan, pada ...
Although Donald Trump seems open to diplomatic talks with North Korea, Kim Jong-un continues to raise the nuclear threat. According to information from the official KCNA news agency, the North ...
SEOUL: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un expressed his unwavering support for Russia's war in Ukraine during a meeting with a ...
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has visited a major housing construction site nearing completion in Pyongyang, describing it ...
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un affirmed his support for Russia's war in Ukraine during a meeting with Russian official ...
On Saturday, state media released photos showing what it called 'a nuclear-powered strategic guided missile submarine', as it reported leader Kim Jong Un's visits to major shipyards where warships ...
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspected a facility that produces nuclear material and called for bolstering the country’s nuclear fighting capability, state media reported Wednesday ...
Kantor berita KCNA melaporkan bahwa pemimpin Korut, Kim Jong-un, telah meninjau proyek pembangunan kapal selam bertenaga nuklir.