Memories of seeing those bodies still haunt me in my sleep.” Hundreds and possibly thousands died amid the forced labour, violence and sexual abuse that prevailed in the group homes and detention ...
Homelessness is a serious issue that affects ... Seoul houses more than nine million people, making it the most populous city in Korea. This huge metropolis has a landscape lined with towering ...
In 2024, the U.S. saw the largest spike in homelessness since the federal government began regularly collecting data in 2007. This wasn’t a fluke. U.S. homelessness has been on a steep and ...
With less than six months to go until the Seoul 2024 Homeless World Cup, 64 teams including Nigeria from 49 Homeless World Cup Member Countries have been invited to the South Korean capital to take ...
But the shift isn’t significant enough, say experts South Korea’s wildly popular Netflix show has brought renewed focus on a history of brutality towards the homeless. South Korea’s National ...