Reading cursive is a superpower,” Suzanne Isaacs, a community manager with the National Archives Catalog in Washington, DC, ...
The Archives Catalog offers finding aids that describe our records which are the documentary evidence of all of the business activities of the Bank. The finding aids assist researchers when making a ...
Reading cursive is a superpower,” said Suzanne Isaacs, a community manager with the National Archives Catalog in Washington, ...
The National Archives needs help from people with a special set of skills–reading cursive. The archival bureau is seeking ...
Anyone with an internet connection can volunteer to transcribe historical documents and help make the archives' digital catalog more accessible ...
Beginning in 2009, the materials contained in the catalog were integrated into the Graduate School website. Degree requirements for each academic year are below, or archived above in the catalog.
These catalogs, under various names, represent course offerings throughout the history of Lycoming College and its predecessor institutions. Many of the earlier catalogs provide additional information ...
The National Archives is looking for volunteers to transcribe more than 200 years worth of documents. You can help, even if you can't read cursive.
People interested in participating can sign up on the National Archives website. If you have expertise in reading cursive, ...