Against the expectations of many, the country had voted to leave ... Brexit did indeed reignite the debate over Scottish independence. Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU, backing ...
Why can't the Out camp (or for that matter the In camp) give us a clear vision of what the UK might look like post Brexit ... Dan Hannan in his book Why Vote Leave?, that you are on a bus ...
A comprehensive report on Brexit and public opinion ... have gone too far voted heavily for Leave, and those who felt equal opportunities have not gone far enough were much more likely to have voted ...
Vote-counting in the 2016 EU referendum had not even concluded before an army of disappointed Remain campaigners were ... s problems are all to do with Brexit. A few empty supermarket shelves ...
At a British Swiss Chamber of Commerce event in Geneva in early June, put a number of questions to key politicians on both sides of the leave-remain divide. For Matthew Elliott ...
A trade deal has been struck between the UK and the EU, days before the 31 December deadline. The treaty will come into effect from 1 January 2021, taking over from the existing transition period ...