After revealing the upcoming Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack for The Sims 4, EA is posting new sneak peeks of the DLC – and one might just point toward the return of an NPC known well by ...
You can usually find Trashley Reelpearson in an alley behind the Sarpong household in the Iverstad neighborhood of Nordhaven.
While Skills can be increased through gameplay in The Sims 4, players can also use cheats and mods to speed up the process. This guide has all the Skill cheats available in every Sims 4 DLC pack.
You may like The Sims 4 fans think one of The Sims 2's most infamous NPCs is returning in the new Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack: "Pls bring burglars back" As The Sims 2 returns ...
Police NPCs are returning too as the default ... The burglar (and police and burglar alarms and so on) are all coming to The Sims 4 base game in a free update that goes live today, so go on ...
EA and Maxis are finally giving The Sims 4 a burglar of its own in a new update that's live on all platforms ... Sims 4 treats Robin like other special NPCs. You can make friends with her and ...
This guide covers how to find Trashely Reelpearson, a shady NPC from The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack.