Ces "études" étaient ou bien ennuyantes, ou bien très ennuyantes.. Et puis arriva Chopin. Ce qu’il y avait de fou avec Chopin, c’est qu’il était non seulement très bon pianiste mais il ...
An achievement worthy of the greatest masters of form, it comes through in all of Chopin's composing, though is probably most striking in the etudes and preludes. The listener is enraptured with the ...
The Etudes, are performed by Freddy Kempf, voted best young classical performer in 2001. Written as piano studies, these are brief but exacting works, designed to test both the technical skill of ...
An author who finds mistakes in the Op 25 Etudes, waves off the Op 28 Preludes and joins the crowd complaining that Chopin's work is "limited to that narrow scope of piano music"? To be fair, Schumann ...
Today’s Video of the Day is a performance of Ninfea Cruttwell-Reade’s ‘Études for Piano and Flower Pots: II. Vivacious’ by ...
Chopin's physique (he was 1.7m in height and weighed only 45kg) and frail health meant he could never match the power and endurance of his friend Liszt ("I should like to steal from him the way to ...